Saturday, January 26, 2008

I mentioned... yesterday's post that I'm flexible. Here is some proof! This 38 year old wannabe cheerleader just got her bow and arrow!!!

Try not to laugh too hard, K?!! :D


MRSJUF said...

you are a hoot!!! nice work, lady!!! Very impressed!!!!

Anonymous said...

okay, all i can say is WOW!!! holy snikeys girl--you are FLEXIBLE!!! Good for you!


Zarah said...

Wowzers! COOL! I used to be like that... I don't think I dare try now...! ;)

Rhi said...

oh my goodness!
that is impressive ;)

Amie said...


DebW said...

UGH! Just seeing it makes me hurt! You're such a nut! Hope ya had a good weekend!

Anonymous said...

you are very bendy! lol

ScrapAloha said...

You could probably do a mean Bielman in Ice skating!

Oh Scrap!! said...

WTG Amy!!!

Theresa Tyree said...

OMGOsh, girlfriend!! Can you say, OUCH?? LOL!! I can't even believe what I'm seeing here. Did you photoshop your leg up there? ROFLMBO!!!

Debbie said...

I would have to photoshop my leg up there for SURE! I am totally impressed. I would do some serious damage to myself if I even tried! LOL

Anonymous said...

HOLY SMOKES GIRL!!! YOU ROCK. I might have to try this to see if I can do it. LOL. I hope I don't hurt myself.