Sunday, June 10, 2007

Tagged by the Lovely Edith/ Scenes from our Soccer Tournament in Wilton, CT

OK, so I've been tagged by my friend Edith. We used to work together a long time ago in a local hospital pharmacy. We were recently reunited when I took up scrapping and starting hanging out at Express Yourself, one of my LSSs. I had no idea, at that time, that Edith was such a talented artist...check out her work!

Anyway, here are the rules.... each player starts with 7 random fact about themselves on their Blog. People who are tagged need to blog 7 facts about themselves and post the rules as well. At the end of their blog list 7 people you are tagging. Let them know that they are tagged by leaving them a comment.

1. I'm a "reality" (yea, right) TV junkie! Embarrassing to admit, since I'm supposedly a smart girl, but it's a fun way for me to decompress. I love watching the social dynamics of these shows. Survivor, The Amazing Race, Big Brother...I love them all!

2. I'm a freak with the calendar. I remember birthdays like crazy (yes, Edith, I even remember your July 31 birthday, LOL). It's a curse. I remember other dates, as well. I'm also good at calculating what day of the week a particular date fell on. The way I see the calendar in my mind's eye is strange. It is a continuous oblong, almost racetrack shape. Apparently, your average person just sees a calendar. Go figure! :)

3. I'm really bad with "left" and "right". Not that I don't know which is which, but it takes me a few seconds to process. I think it's because I'm ambidextrous and think well with both sides of the brain...that's why I get confused...there is no real dominance. I'm such a freak, LOL!

4. At 37, I'm still not a big fan of veggies! My children like vegetables better than I do, thank goodness! I really try, but it's hard to learn to love them. At the cafeteria at work, when they load my plate up with a huge serving, I think to myself, "What are you trying to kill me with all of that healthy stuff?" Shameful, I know, but I'm getting better.

5. Speaking of age, inside my head, I still see myself as very young. When I stop to think about my age, it saddens me that I'm no longer a "Spring chicken". *sigh* How did THAT happen?!!

6. After having children and changing diapers and cleaning spit-up, I can talk about ANYTHING while eating and not lose my appetite! I must be mindful of that when talking to others while they are eating, LOL!

7. I'm currently suffering from a serious case of "Be Careful What You Wish For". Now that things are starting to come together quickly for my part-time scrapping career, I'm scared to death! How can I possibly juggle the demands of a full-time career, husband and two very active girls, my being active in the girls' sports (I sit on the Soccer Club board now), serving on a design team, teaching in two LSSs, and just having fun with my scrapping? It' positively terrifying and I hope I can do it all and still manage to have fun.

Let's see...who do I tag? How about:
Lucy, and

So this weekend we all went to the Wilton Soccer Tournament to watch Alex's U11 DI and Samantha's U10 DI teams play. Boy was it exciting!

Samantha's team record:
BROOKFIELD : Fairfield, 4:0
BROOKFIELD : Wilton, 4:0
Brookfield : BETHEL, 2:3
BROOKFIELD : Ridgefield, 4:1

Boy, did their team do great!!!

Alex's team record:
Brookfield : WILTON, 0:1
BROOKFIELD : New Canaan, 4:3
Brookfield : WALLINGFORD, 3:4

Now before you feel sorry for the girls for only winning one game, you have to realize that they had NO SUBS for any game and even played short one player for three of the games, including the game that they won!!! Five of the fifteen teammates were injured and couldn't play...a regular infirmary!!!

The highlight of the whole tournament was when Alex did a front handspring throw in and her teammate scored from her throw in! The crowd went wild! Alex's coach had told her that she could show off her special talent during the last game of the season. The referee told her, "'s a throw in" when it looked like she was going to put the ball down to kick it. She coyly looked at him and said, "I know". He applauded her throw in and said that it was perfectly legal! The fact that a score came of it, was incredible. I tell you, the planets were in perfect alignment for that one!!!

Here are some of my favorite pictures...I hope that you enjoy them:


Rhi said...

there is too much to comment on in this post!!
1) i have issues with my left and right too! i know what they are, but i will constantly turn left when told to turn right and vice versa. my brain just doesnt work fast!
2) you KNOW i'm a reality tv addict! haha.
3) i love love loved the 12th pic down! i really don't know why.
4) i will get onto this tagging soon!

Janette said...

Hey you like to play tag...brattttttt how can I be "IT" again? LOL Love those pics!!! Way too cute!!!!

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