Monday, March 24, 2008

Week 12 - Picture of the Day

Hey, I'm on time this week...woohoo!!! So the year is nearly 1/3 over. Can you believe that? I sure can't! I hope you all had a very pleasant Easter. Our family enjoyed a quiet holiday and the weather was beautiful!

Here are my pictures from Week 12:

March 18 - A scene from the very first class I taught at my LSS, Express Yourself . It went very well. My students and I had a lot of fun. And they want to come back to my next class. :)

March 19 - The Samster (our nickname for Samantha, hehehe) sporting her Bo Bunny scrapping apron! She's so cute!

March 20 - Samantha is altering a Maya Road butterfly album with some new American Crafts papers. Here is the beginnings of one page.

March 21 - One of thirteen ATCs I made for a swap over at 2Croppin'Cousinz . My theme was to highlight doodling as a technique.

March 22 - My second home!!!

March 23 - Happy Easter! The girls sitting with their Easter baskets. I made them the name tags.

March 24 - This morning, as I looked outside, I saw the moon through the trees and thought it was soooo pretty...I just had to snap a picture of it!

I hope you all have a great week and enjoy the warmer weather. Here's hoping we start seeing some hints of Spring around here soon!!!


Janette said...

Congratulations on your first class going so well. Love all your photos. Hope you had a wonderful Easter.

ScrapAloha said...

Hey Girl! Glad to hear the class went well! Congrats! Beautiful pictures!!! love them all!!! Happy Easter belated!

DebW said...

neat stuff!! Can't wait to see Sam's album....does she have her Mommy's talents??? I'll bet she does!!
Glad the class went well!

Anonymous said...

Coming over from Scrapping the Music to let you know I checked out your layout for this weeks song and I LOVE it!!! Thanks for playing along!

Jenny Burcham said...

Very cool stuff happening ove rin your neck of the woods! All of your pictures are just beautiful!

Oh Scrap!! said...

Congratulations on teaching your first class, i love that last picture yeah you need to just grab the camera when you see that!

Theresa Tyree said...

Looks like you had a full house at your class! Awesome!
You are the doodle meister! I love your ATC.
So great that you're passing on your scrappy talents to your girls!

Miss ya!